01 September 2009

Fortune and FAME!

I was interviewed during the Portland Pie-Off by Leslie Cole, a food writer for Oregon Live, and guess what. The article has been posted!! Click here to read all of my flattering quotes that proclaim my love of pie for breakfast and for every other meal too. She also posted my recipe with a link to my blog. So if you are here because you read my recipe, read on. I will be featuring recipes for things like fried candy bars and funnel cake tomorrow after my big trip to the Oregon State Fair.

Kidding about the candy bar recipe. Wouldn't that just add to my already questionable reputation as a lover of fats.


Radio Gretchen said...

Loved what you had to say in the FOODday write up. Such a great article - it's had me smiling all day.

Pie Commissioner Gretchen

The Bitchy Waiter said...
